Early July is a great time for opportunistic rainbows. The Upper and Middle Kenai are between salmon runs, and the trout have the upper hand. By mid month, Sockeye and King Salmon are spread throughout the river. Trout fishing is good with fish remaining opportunistic and searching for food.
Late run Sockeye Salmon begin flooding the river mid month with 10 to 60+ thousand fish a day moving upstream. After a couple big days, sockeye are spread for miles and the frenzy is on.
The later half of July is probably the best time for a shot at a big Kenai King on the fly. Kings are spread throughout the Lower Kenai River and holding in some runs where a fly can easily reach them.
By the end of the month, the first Kings are staging to spawn and more fish are still arriving from the salt. All it takes is a few big red Kings to stimulate the trout into looking for eggs. Anadromous Dollies return throughout July and are aggressive and hungry. They become a common part of our catch as August approaches.

August Fly Fishing on the Kenai River
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